Sunday, July 14, 2024

AI claims to raise the Dead

 AI can not actually raise the dead. An AI generated person is just that----generated by AI based in info plugged into a computer generated body.
For the living know that they shall die: 
but the dead know not any thing. 
Ecclesiastes 9:5

"A tech expert with a track record of predicting sea changes in the industry has made several eye-popping new forecasts in a new book.
Google’s Ray Kurzweil famously predicted the iPhone era and the fact that a computer would beat someone at chess by 1998.
In his new book, 'The Singularity is Nearer’, Kurzweil predicts that humans fully merge with AI, becoming immortal cyborgs, by 2045.
Kurzweil believes
 that AI technology holds the promise to ‘bring back’ the dead - at first in the form of simulations which replicate a person, then physically back to life.
By the end of the 2020s, Kurzweil expects ‘highly realistic’ non-biological recreations of people - and then living bodies.
He writes: ‘Eventually replicants may even be housed in cybernetically augmented biological bodies grown from the DNA of the original person.’
Kurzweil predicts that humans will move into artificial bodies ‘more advanced than what biology allows’ - and that by the 2040s, it will be possible to make a copy of a person." 

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